Sunday, July 4, 2010


Ok I tried to wait for at least a couple of post before I got to the sex topic...but I think its been long enough.... so its time we talk about SEX ( I have a flare for the dramatic...hence all the caps).

Sooo...for me sex is a pivotal part of my life, and not because I'm a nymphomaniac or a raging whore, but because I actually want to make a career surrounding the topic ( and no I'm not talking about porn). For those who may not know, I aspire to become a health behavior researcher, with a focus on sexual behaviors. I am interested in why people make certain choices regarding SEX and how it ultimately affects their health. So for me, SEX is something that is a huge component of the human experience and is worthy of lots of discussion. Now, putting career aspirations aside, I personally think SEX is GREAT . In my short years I have come to realize that most things in life, taxes, Justin Bieber, death, unwanted hair, fat on your ankles, bad breath the list goes on and on. But and however, there are only a few real pleasures.... fried food, Christmas morning, finding 5$ in your pocket and... SEX. So with that said, I think all people should try to have as much SEX as possible ( of course there are some rules and regulations).
Talking to lots of twenty-something year olds, I have realized that SEX is a big part of their experiences. For many people, their twenties is the time in their life were they make alot of decisions regarding sex and their sexual being ( and yes there is a difference). Whether its choosing to abstain, choosing to engage in a new sexual relationship, deciding to have a baby, should you date a girl or boy, deciding what to do with an unwanted pregnancy, getting tested, should you wax or shave, should you go to YOU PORN or PORN HUB, choosing a gynocologist, and should you keep a relationship just because a guy is great at cunnilingus.... aww decisions, decisions. With all these decisions that us twenty-somethings need to make, it is no surprise that SEX ( while great ) can be daunting and down right confusing. I will use myself as an example. As a twenty-something girl, when it comes to SEX , I often find myself in this tug of war... I call it the Charlotte vs. Samantha. Do I embrace my inner "Charlotte" and reserve my lovely lady parts for "true love" or do I channel my inner " Samantha" and embrace sex as just a means of physical satisfaction? I mean both have their perks and drawbacks, and it doesn't help that the surrounding world is pulling us girls in both directions. If you think about it, the world is sending us mixed messages... and the proof is in the pudding...just take a look at the mantra
" Lady in the street, freak in the sheets". HELLO CONFUSING....Does anyone ever consider, that in order to be a freak you gotta have "practice", and by having "practice" your completing contradicting the conventional definition of a "lady". Back to Charlotte vs. Samantha: how will I feel about my choices 10 or 20 years from now? If I choose Charlotte... will I look back and wish I was more sexually liberated. And If I choose Samantha, will I look back and call myself a whore ( what constituents a whore anyway-next blog topic). Anyway, trying to choose my personal path has given me a lot of insight to myself and what I am comfortable with. I am in no means completely there....but I think I have an idea of what direction I"m leading towards. So tell me world...what do you think a twenty-something should do?