Monday, December 27, 2010


Hello has been a while and I have neglected you. The good thing is I have prime material for some new blogs, and hold onto your seats cause your about to enter my convoluted world (once again) . Ahh where to begin ? Should I discuss my failed attempts at finding gainful employment, my less then ideal romantic liaisons, or just my overall disdain for these last few weeks of life. Lately, I've been feeling like God has personally sent a little dark rain cloud to follow me...causing nothing but pain and frizzy hair. Sooo I turn to my blog and write, and while I may not be great at it..its my personal therapy ( and its a hell of alot cheaper than a psychiatrist). Soo buckle up...stay tuned and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. lol we all kno about the effect of a lil drizzle and "brown girl" hair. but remember that god only puts on u wat he knows u can handle. but i tell u wat, by venting lets ur readers kno that someone is going thru this ish as well. so at least that is one thing that shud help ur day to kno that u have helped me 4 example!! ttyl
