Saturday, December 25, 2010

I wish there was a 12 step program for getting to know someone.

Hello World. it has been awhile but that doesn't mean there is a lack of things to talk about. These last couple of months have proven themselves to be very busy. My normal end-of-the-year routine has been somewhat interrupted by the introduction of a new found romance (ohh--lucky me). Yes, it caught me by surprise but sometimes life has a funny way of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it. Like all my relationships ( and pretty much anything in my life) this new found romance has been the source of a lot of internal dialog between myself and Nirol( my overly articulated self-conscience, whom never ceases to confuse the hell out of me). Over these past couple of weeks I have put on my best "new-relationship game face" and have tried to get to know this person the best way I know watching bad tv together on my very comfy couch. Well one day I was sitting on that very same couch and an episode of Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab was on. I watch a few minutes of the program and then it dawned on sooo envious of these b-list celebrities with serious drug problems. I know your probably thinking I a completely and utter nut case ( and ur right i probably am), but there is something to envy about these uniquely infamous quasi-celebs... and its not the drug induced comas....its their 12-step programs. Think about would be sooo much easier if there was a simple 12-step program to follow for everything; specifically for getting to know someone new. So I ask you world, what are the best ways to get to know someone? What are you're 12-steps...and once you go through them whats next?

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