Wednesday, September 8, 2010

10 things a twenty-something girl should do before she turns into a thirty-something girl with real responsiblities and premature age lines.

Ok I was thinking about this the other day, and you know how people create a bucket list of all the things they want to do before they die..well I have created a bucket list of 10 things a twenty-something girl should do before she is a thirty-something girl and you just look ridiculous doing any of these things.

1. Dance in Your Room... in your panties to a Michael Jackson song- Honestly you should have already done this...but just in case you haven' is so much fun. I often lip-sync to "PYT" in my granny panties and bra when ever the mood strikes me. Honestly, it is the most liberating thing you can do and MJ would truly appreciate it...RIP MJ.

2. " Girls Day"- Girls day is a day or weekend...when you get away with your friends and spend money that you really don't have. This is a time to buy a Marc Jacobs bag, sip some over priced wine...hell get a tattoo of lips on your ass if you feel inspired to. Its just about over indulgence and enjoying life.

3. Bust the Window out of some A-hole's Car- I haven't gotten around to this one but I'm really really want to channel Jasmine Sullivan...and Bust the Windows out of someone's car.

4. Go to a Club in a Truly inappropriate outfit- This is time to dress up like a high-class hooker
( operative word- high class, like 25,000$ a night who only serves football players and governors... and no anal of course). Your dress should be short, your skirt should be tight and your heels should be high.

5. Sky Dive..Drive Fast...Bungee- Any one of these will do.

6. Go to a Male review- Seriously the best night I ever had was at a Male review with two Long Island Ice Teas running through my veins....from what I can actually remember it was a great night.

7. Go to a Gay Club- Yet Another one I haven't done...but really want to...I think it could be really liberating to go to a club were the men don't want you...and Cher, Madonna, Gaga and Diana are on constant rotation.

8. Have a secret love affair...or at least imagine one- Just imagine the stories you will have to reminisce on when you're 60 and your boobs don't sit where they use to. You can think about the time you had a steamy, sex- filled rendezvous with the hot ________ ( you fill in the blank...I like personal trainer), with the nice arms and tight ass...awwwwww moving on

9. Buy a Guy a drink---HAHA just kidding...never that :)

10. Do something unexpected- take a belly dancing class....get on a motorcycle....wear animal print...IDK what ever is daring to you have at it.

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